Thanh Tỷ Lệ


Đây là trang component được sử dụng nội bộ bởi Wiki SCP-VN. Trang này được tạo để sử dụng và thêm vào các trang khác.

The Rating Info component was originally created by 7happy77happy7, and then adapted by EstrellaYoshteEstrellaYoshte to be compliant with the English wiki's Tech Policy as the Ratio Bar.

To add the Ratio Bar, insert the following after any theme [[include]]:

[[include component:ratio-bar base=--]]

Which will add it any existing rating module:


For certain themes that more heavily alter the rating module, such as Theme Đen Tô Đậm and theme:inkblot, you will need another parameter:

[[include component:ratio-bar base=-- |ex=--]]

The extended compatibility parameter is meant to cover for cases when the standard rating module is extensively styled by a theme's CSS.

Generally, this parameter is meant for BHL and BHL-based themes. Otherwise, start with the base parameter and add |ex=-- wherever needed.

There is also a standalone pie chart module:

[[include component:ratio-bar pie=--]]

As a usage suggestion, this could be put inside an Info module or something similar:


[[include :scp-wiki:info:start]]
[[include component:ratio-bar pie=--]]
[[include :scp-wiki:info:end]]

Nếu không có ngoại lệ được nêu, nội dung của trang này được xuất bản dưới giấy phép Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License