Animated header by Orison
Trans Pride Logo and footer by Uncle Nicolini
Ellie3 is just the shmuck who tossed it all together!
If you would like to use the theme as a whole, insert the following code at the top of your article:
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:scp-trans-pride |trans-pride-animated-header= --] |trans-pride-logo= --] |trans-pride-footer= --]]]
If you would like to use only the SCP Trans Pride Logo (and the footer) insert the following code at the top of your article:
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:scp-trans-pride |trans-pride-logo= --] |trans-pride-footer= --]]]
If you would like to use only the SCP Trans Pride Animated Header (and the footer) insert the following code at the top of your article:
[[include :scp-wiki:theme:scp-trans-pride |trans-pride-animated-header= —] |trans-pride-footer= --]]]
If (for some reason) you would not like to use the footer, simply delete the following code from any of the above code:
|trans-pride-footer= --]